Wolf in My Bed
by Sage Ravenwood
Cover Image by Michael Yull
Wolf in My Bed
by Sage Ravenwood
Published September 3, 2021
They say you bore three sons
Hate Treachery Sorrow
Hati Skoll Bjorn Black
As if you fathered human deceit
We place blame our fallacy on beast
You giant wolf tethered gagged by sword
An oversized pup by all accounts
Destined to devour worlds
I’m you’re godless daughter
living in the bowels of sons unmade
You bringer of darkness laying in my bed
Mangy warmth smelling of dank earth burial
Tuck me inside your sternum My hand thrust
between your ribs Lungs rising
falling to touch inhale exhale torment
I’ll dance a gig on your tongue nick a vein
Bite down Fenrir Does revenge taste so sweet
we would live out of spite
I am your mad dog silken ribbon deceived
Entangle me in the sound of a cats step
Woman’s beard
Roots of a mountain
Bear’s sinew
Fish breath and bird spittle
They magicked the earth to lay claim
I too wish for darkness
Lay your paw upon my brow
Claws trailing down jugular piercing
Five delicate fingers stretching up
to touch the blind nails of safe
Sing a guttural lullaby child abandoned
Breath deep dark of sleep wolf in my head
Our sorrows float rivers through men

Sage Ravenwood
Sage Ravenwood is a deaf Cherokee woman residing in upstate NY with her two rescue dogs, Bjarki and Yazhi, and her one-eyed cat Max. She is an outspoken advocate against animal cruelty and domestic violence. Her work can be found in Glass Poetry - Poets Resist, The Temz Review, Contrary, trampset, Pittsburgh Poetry Journal, Pioneertown Literary, Grain, The Rumpus, Lit Quarterly, PØST, Massachusetts Review, and more.
She is on Twitter, @SageRavenwood.